Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Just Some Thoughts

     This week has been very busy. Honestly, things like homework and other  school-related things have been my main focus. I am trying to remind myself that that is not what it should be. I haven't spend any time since the beginning of the week reading the Bible, or praying for any long amount of time. I have been putting all my energy into worldly things, and neglecting my King. That just hit me a couple minutes ago as so messed up. God is so big, powerful, and important, of course he should be our main focus in life.
      I realized, that if we put as much effort into our spiritual lives as we did with school, friends, sports, or anything else, being a shining light would just come naturally- there would be no work to it. But, that is not how our lives typically are. We are busy from the minute we get up to when we go to bed. More often than not, God is near the end of our list, when he should be at the very top. And that is just so dangerous, because Satan always tempts, or hurts me when I am busy. A schedule that doesn't leave time for the Lord is the perfect place for sin to edge in, and cause all sorts of problems.
     As I was thinking about that, I opened my devotion book. As it often does, it had a perfect devotion for the day, that I wanted to share: (My devotion is written as though Jesus is speaking to you)
  I know that you have a lot to do today. Instead of just jumping in, I want you to try something different. Wait before you work.
  Put aside all the things you have to do and refuse to worry about what time it is. Don't even look at the clock. By waiting with Me before you start your day, you are saying that you trust Me to be in complete control. This simple act of faith is noticed in heaven- with Joy. And powers of darkness are weakened by your trusting attitude. Then, when it is time to start working, I will show you which way to go.
  Depend on Me to help you decide what really needs to be done today, so you can save time by doing only the important things. This way, you can do less but get more of the important things done- by waiting before working.
     So, I have a challenge for you. I challenge you to spend 2, 5, 10 minutes, or however long you feel necessary with God before starting the day. If that means setting your alarm a bit earlier, I promise it will be worth it.   I am giving myself that challenge too, and I will be sure to tell how it goes next week, and what God did for me when my first priority is Him. With a trusting heart, we can watch how the day unfolds. With Jesus first, everything else will fall into place.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Idea

Hey! This is my very first blog post on a blog that I hope will reach lots of people. I guess this first post should be about what the purpose of my blog is. Well, here it is: I am a Christian, and I am trying to make it the center of my life. I want to be an encouragement to all Christians, and especially teenagers. I want to help others live a life for Christ. I want us to be the brightest lights we could be, so that our peers wonder what it is that we’re smiling about. Why we are so joyous, and why we have hope.

                It isn’t easy. Our culture tells us that we should just do what makes us happy, because life is short. To an extent, that is true. But if you all take on this journey with me, it won’t be easy all the time. There will be days when we want to live out our roles as evangelizers, but are just so tired, or are in a bad mood, or just failed a test. But I have faith God will strengthen us- even when we just want to give up, and be like everyone else. God understands, and he will give you the strength; just remember to ask.  Being a faithful Christian won’t make us happy all the time. I don’t want to mislead you to believe that. But going on this mission will be so, so, so much more rewarding than keeping our head down and just getting through the teen years. We are so much more than society gives us credit for.  I think that we can make Christianity so meaningful, such a way of life, that others can’t help but look into it; if we are just willing to take that step.

                There are a lot of things that made me want to start this blog. Mostly, I have been thinking about this a lot. I think we need a revamp of Christianity, especially in teenagers. I think that it would be so great if teens looked at Christianity as a lifestyle, and really had it influence everything they did. I know a lot do, but I have struggled with it- with Christianity being my religion, not my way of life.  I am in no way a scholar on the Bible, and I’m not even an adult. But I had an idea to share my thoughts with people, and that’s what I’m doing.


PS Please, if you have any suggestions or thoughts, leave a comment below. Thanks!