Thursday, November 1, 2012

"What if We Were Real" by Mandisa

     I want to start this with the lyrics to "What if We Were Real" by Mandisa.

I'm tired of saying everything
I feel like I'm supposed to say
I'm tired of smiling all the time
I want to throw the mask away
Sometimes you just have a bad day
Sometimes you just want to scream
Tell me I'm not the only one
Tell me that you feel just like me

We keep trying to make it look so nice
And we keep hiding what's going on inside
But what if I share my brokenness
What if you share how you feel
And what if we weren't afraid of this crazy mess
What if we were real

I'm over hiding my tears
I think I'm gonna let them go
I'm over acting so strong
When I'm not even in control
We make it so complicated
But why does it have to be
Why can't we open our hearts and let everybody see
We'd think a little less of ourselves
We'd care about someone else
'Cause we'd know just how they feel
Maybe we could let someone love us
Maybe we'd a little more like Jesus
Why can't we learn to be real

     I could almost leave this whole post as just those lyrics. They are so incredibly true. I want to go over each verse, and talk about what I think they mean and what we can do in our lives in relation to them.

I'm tired of saying everything I feel like I'm supposed to say
I'm tired of smiling all the time, I want to throw my mask away
     I have so much difficulty with the first line. I can be so hypocritical sometimes. If I have an opinion that is different than someone elses, sometimes I keep it quiet because I feel like I will be judged. If someone asks me "Do you always believe God is real?" I would say "Of course! I know in my heart, always, that no matter what, God is real and is there for me." That really isn't the truth. I won't lie, I struggle all the time with wondering if God even exists. But I don't say it, because it isn't 'what I'm supposed to say.' The second line, I feel like that, too! I have had some pretty hard stuff happen to me in the past months, but I go to school every day, smiling like nothing happened. Sometimes, I had a terrible night the day before, but I don't tell my friends anything. I smile all the time, and it feels like such a mask.

Sometimes you just have a bad day,
Sometimes you just want to scream,
Tell me I'm not the only one
Tell me you feel just like me.
     Sometimes it does feel like I am the only one who doesn't have everything together, and I just want someone to tell me that they feel like that, too.

We keep trying to make it look so nice
And we keep hiding what's going on inside
But what if I share my brokenness
What if you share how you feel
And what if we weren't afraid of this crazy mess
What if we were real

      There is a huge part of me that really longs for deep talks, and knowing that I am not alone. There is a certain atmosphere that my peers take, that makes it seem like I am the only one who isn't happy all the time. I think there is an unexplainable bond that you create with a person when you share how you really feel. Whenever I get that feeling, like I am really not alone in some of the things I think and feel, it is so comforting. And the more we are real with each other, the more that sort of thing happens.

I'm over hiding my tears
I think I'm gonna let them go
I'm over acting so strong
When I'm not even in control
We make it so complicated
But why does it have to be
Why can't we open our hearts and let everybody see

     This year, I have put on a very strong shell, on the whole. I tell people that I am okay, that I don't need help. But a lot of times when I say those things, I am literally on the verge of tears. I have gotton so good at hiding my pain, that now when it is okay to show it, it is hard. I don't know why I do it, like this says. I don't know why I can't just let people see that I am broken, hurting, and confused.

We'd think a little less of ourselves,
We'd care about somebody else
'Cause we know just how they feel,
Maybe we would let someone love us
Maybe we'd be a little more like Jesus,
Why can't we learn to be real?
     I realize that in the parts before this, I have been going for being real in a totally self-centered way. I don't necessarily mean that that is bad, but there is the whole other layer that these lyrics put out there. If we all shared how we really feel with everyone, we would have more compassion for them. If we heard someone else's stuggles, we would love them more fully. I know I would gain respect for someone, if they weren't afraid to tell people their brokenness.

      And that last part, about being like Jesus- that really convicted me. If you aren't convinced that if is better to be real from anything else, let this be it. If we told everyone how we felt, and let them tell us, we would be more like Jesus. This world is a mess, but by sharing our sin and guilt and sadness, we are making it more beautiful. We really are being more like Jesus.


Why Fit In when You Were Born to Stand Out?

     First of all, I am terribly sorry for not putting a post up in the last couple of weeks. Even though I am fairly confident there aren't many people waiting restlessly at their computers, I still feel bad. I have been incredibly busy. Stuff just keeps on happening, and sometimes I seem like I'm falling behind everything. So, I haven't had much free time. But here I am, and I am very happy to be writing. Now let the actual post begin. :)

    That famous quote, by Dr. Suess, was the inspiration for this post. There isn't really any interpretation to it, it is simple and to the point. That idea, standing out, isn't quite as blatently related to Christianity as all of my others, but I think it still ties in awesomely to Christian principles.
     A few things have brought this idea to my mind in the past week:
     One, I was watching the chick flick Aquamarine last night, and remember this one moment. They are in a mall, looking over all the levels of escalators. Aquamarine, who, doesn't have a great sense of what is socially acceptable, yells "HELLO!!!!" down to all the people walking around, and they all look up at her. Her friends look at her like she's crazy, and she says "Why go through life unnoticed?"
     Two, I have been talking to friends and family members who have that mindset recently. I am not naturally that type of person. I am not shy, but I am also not particularly outgoing either. But I have some people in life that are just the opposite. They believe that it's okay to stand out. It's okay to be noticed. In fact, it makes life more fun!
     This is why I think it is a heart issue to stand out. God created us beautifully and perfectly. We are his masterpiece. Sure, we aren't perfect yet, but we will be. I think by trying to be invisible, no different than anyone else, it is kind of like telling God that he didn't make us special. Plus, you are just trying to fool yourself. We all know that we are all different, and that's the way it should be. Why hide it?
      I think that by standing out from the crowd, you can gain self-confidence, and really be more secure in your image. A lot of people try to hide who they really are, and their own opinions, because it isn't what everybody else thinks or acts. You should be proud of that! God made us to stand out, and I know I need help from Him to get out of the rut of blending in the crowd.

P.S. If you are interested in standing out, I reccomend the book Stargirl. It is written from a secular viewpoint, but it displays a lot of Biblical truths, and is a really great thinking book.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Working Together

I know I am the type of person that only likes to work by myself. When I'm doing a project for school, or just going through life, I like to trust myself. That way, I know that anything that comes out of the project is MY work, MY effort, and MY problem. I know I won't get a lowered grade because of some person that wastes their whole time and blows off their project. It's just easier to trust in myself. And sometimes, I think that trusting other people in general is a waste. Being in relationships are rewarding, sure, but they often leave a person disappointed, heartbroken, or not wanting to pursue any new relationships for a long time. It's often easier to go through life relying on yourself to do what you need to do. It's the more detached, simpler route that I think a lot of people take at different levels. But, in the past week and a half, I have been learning that collaboration, and relationships with different people are way more important than I thought.

First of all, think of how much more you could accomplish with the help of others. I bet every single person has gotten excited over an idea or thought to change the world. But, if you are like me, if probably fizzled out once you realized how hard it was. All the things I think of to do are too hard for one person, but maybe not a team of 5. And if you could get something done with 5 people, imagine how much you could do with 20! My point is, if you do something with other people, not just yourself, we would have much more success getting those ideas off the ground.

Another thing about not relying on yourself is that if you learn to trust and form strong relationships with a lot of people, you spare yourself a lot of lonliness and isolation. I was at a weekend retreat this weekend, and we were sharing things about our lives that were hard or discouraging. There were some aspects of my life that I was sure no one else had gone through, but I finally told people, just to get it off my chest. Turns out that more than half the group was experiencing the same thing! I think humans are more alike then I give us credit for. Everyone is unique, but everyone is made in the image of God, and is therefore similar at the core.

God created us to be in many strong relationships. He says over and over in the Bible to surround yourself in a community of believers, and work with other people. I think when we do that, we are showing God that we are thankful for people has put in our lives, and that we understand that people were meant to be together.

I know a ton of people have a self-reliance issue, and this past couple of weeks has really highlighted some of the benifits of being in a crowd of people to share your journeys, and the power of people workng together.    
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
Eccelations 4:9-12 ESV

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Christian Songs I Love

Hey! I am just doing a very quick post today! I wanted to give out a couple of Christian songs I really love, for anyone who reads this that wants some good Christian music.

Stronger- Mandisa: I love this song, it is so hopeful, and has lots of truths that she makes easy to understand in the song. It's a beautiful "keep holding on" type of song.

Never Gone- Colton Dixon: I am a huge fan of Colton Dixon, so I might be a bit biased about this one. This is his first single, and it really is beautiful. Some of it is written as though God is speaking to you. It's about how no matter what it feels like, God never leaves you, and you have never been and will never be alone.

Just Cry- Mandisa: This is one of those songs that I think everybody related to. It says that it is okay to let your feelings out, and God can handle your anger or sadness. It is slow, with deliberate, powerful lyrics.

Days of Elijah- Robin Mark: I love this song! It is a super upbeat song with a Irish jig feel :) It is just basically praising the Lord, and its pretty amazing.

Just wanted to introduce a few cool songs!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Keep Perspective

Hi everybody! These last couple of days I have been getting lots more pageviews- I think that it is because I told some friends and family about this blog; something I hadn't done yet. I was a little nervous to tell people I actually knew about it, but I'm glad I did. If I had continued writing without actually telling people and hoping that strangers stumble across it, it wouldn't have been shown to nearly as many people. Also, if my goal is to evangelize, how can I do that without sharing? Bottom line: I'm glad a told a few people about it, and I hope more people see it now.

Today I want to talk about something that brings me immense comfort- perspective. I want to start off my devotion. I've included my devotion book in this blog before, because I just think it is so amazing. So here is my devotion's advice on perspective. Itis written as though Jesus is speaking to you:
I am much more 'real' than this world. This world- and all the things in it- will someday be gone. But I am forever. Once you compare things to Forever, it becomes much easier to shake off today's hurts and disappointments.
Years from now, when you're starting your career, it won't matter that you made a bad grade on a test. But it will matter that you kept trying in spite of that bad grade. Twenty or thirty years from now, when you're playing with your own children, it won't matter that you didn't make the team. But it will matter that you kept a happy heart and cheered on those who did. And an eternity from now, nothing on this life will matter- except that you loved me and loved other people with My love.
Don't be shaken by the troubles of this world. One day they will be gone, and I will take you home with me Forever. 
Those words, and that comfort, is so beautiful. Knowing that you will look back on your problems and they won't matter anymore it one of the best things to keep in mind in a crisis. We get so incredibly caught up in everyday struggles, that it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But as it says in the devotion, in Heaven, nothing here will matter except for your love for Christ and others.

Whenever I get upset because I had to turn in an assignment late, or I messed up my huge presentation, I just remember that it won't matter soon. Compared to the forever that we will live in Heaven, this life will seem like it went by in a second. When we remember how we messed up in this life, we won't care. We won't be mad, or sad, or disappointed about it anymore. All we will care about is how incredibly happy we are in Heaven, with Jesus.

The next time you mess up, or you do something and everything seems to fall apart, keep perspective. Remember that weeks or months from now, it won't matter. We can filter our lives through the perspective of Heaven, and everything will be easier to handle.



Friday, September 21, 2012

The Trap of Apathy

          Apathy {noun}:
          Lack of feeling or emotion.
          Lack of interest or concern.
          Impassiveness. Indifference.

     That's what apathy means, defined by Merriam-Webster. A lack of feeling, emotion, interest, or concern. You might feel apathetic towards certain things that make your friends passionate and invested in. When you feel apathetic, you often know you should care, but you just don't. It's a very common feeling, and one that leaves us with a sense of emptiness and annoyance.

     But as Christians, apathy means more than that. Apathy means that you have no will to read the Bible. Would rather take a nap then pray. Life is tolerable; you don't really feel like your spiritual life is necessary. Apathy towards God has plagued Christians since Christianity was formed, and often goes on for months, or even years.
     This summer and fall, I feel like I have been apathetic towards God. I know he's there, but my mind is so plagued with doubts,it's just easier to not care. Going through life, without getting anything out of it, is an easier route than stretching yourself spiritually, and becoming closer to God. It really is simpler. But then, I know I look back at the last few months, and realize that I will never get them back. There were probably hundreds of missed opprotunities to show the love of Jesus. Instead of using them, I just went day to day. I got up, went to school, did homework, hung out with friends, and did it all over again. In some ways, I was wasting my life. And the scary thing about being apathetic is the longer you stay that way, the harder it is to pull yourself out of it.

     "Going through the motions" and living a life of apathy is like another things that teenagers have issues with: staying up too late. :) We want to stay up just a little later, and then don't go to bed until  some unreasonable time. Then, we wake up the next day and regret it like nothing else. We complain about how we should've slept because now we're tired, and we swear to ourselves that we will never do it again.. And then, that night, it starts over again. We stay up late, regret it, and do it again. It's kind of similar to going a month without furthuring yourself spiritually at all. You do it, regret it, and do it again.

     So, make this week coming up not one of those weeks. Make it a week where you don't miss evangelizing opprotunities, and you don't miss the chance to come closer to your King. Because just like there is the scariness of apathy (longer you stay apathetic, the harder it is to change), there is also the beautifulness of caring. The longer you are passionate about Jesus, the easier it is to make it a lifestyle, not just a phase.

Monday, September 10, 2012


First of all, I want to say I am sorry I didn't publish a post earlier. I will continue to try to do them every week, but it got to almost two. I promise I will really try to keep going. Also, I tried the time with God every morning idea, and while I can't say I kept up with it perfectly, when I did, it was amazing. It changed the tone of my whole day- I can't tell you how awesome that is.

Onto my topic today- thankfulness. It is one of the most simple instructions of God, but seems to be one of the hardest to carry out. We know we should be thankful, but there is always a nagging voice, saying "God didn't take care of that. I've been better than all the people around me, but He gave them more than he gave me." And I think we sincerely believe that. But that is such a skewed perspective.

Think about this. God created a world for His glory, where He could make creatures in His own image, and they could worship him while he provided them with beautiful lives. He gave the first humans, Adam and Eve everything they could ever want, gave them a spectacular life. Adam and Eve had that. But, God gave one instruction. That they could eat from any of the fruit trees in the garden, except for one. They were not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And that's the one thing they did. 

If I was God, I would've probably said "Whatever. This whole human thing didn't work out. I'll just go back to my perfect life in Heaven and be done with it." But that couldn't be farther from what God did. He fully realized that we had done the one simple thing he told us not to- so he sent his only child to get murdered in a horribly painful and shameful way so we could get off the hook. He made a way for us, who do the one thing he hates more than anything every single day, to come live with Him when we die. That is INCREDIBLE. How could we feel anything but thankful?

How many times have you talked to God this week, without asking for a single thing? Simply giving glory to His name? I haven't once. And I know for myself that God deserves better than that, for all He has done. 

1 Thessalonians 5:17 ESV- Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.  
Psalm 136:1 ESV- Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Just Some Thoughts

     This week has been very busy. Honestly, things like homework and other  school-related things have been my main focus. I am trying to remind myself that that is not what it should be. I haven't spend any time since the beginning of the week reading the Bible, or praying for any long amount of time. I have been putting all my energy into worldly things, and neglecting my King. That just hit me a couple minutes ago as so messed up. God is so big, powerful, and important, of course he should be our main focus in life.
      I realized, that if we put as much effort into our spiritual lives as we did with school, friends, sports, or anything else, being a shining light would just come naturally- there would be no work to it. But, that is not how our lives typically are. We are busy from the minute we get up to when we go to bed. More often than not, God is near the end of our list, when he should be at the very top. And that is just so dangerous, because Satan always tempts, or hurts me when I am busy. A schedule that doesn't leave time for the Lord is the perfect place for sin to edge in, and cause all sorts of problems.
     As I was thinking about that, I opened my devotion book. As it often does, it had a perfect devotion for the day, that I wanted to share: (My devotion is written as though Jesus is speaking to you)
  I know that you have a lot to do today. Instead of just jumping in, I want you to try something different. Wait before you work.
  Put aside all the things you have to do and refuse to worry about what time it is. Don't even look at the clock. By waiting with Me before you start your day, you are saying that you trust Me to be in complete control. This simple act of faith is noticed in heaven- with Joy. And powers of darkness are weakened by your trusting attitude. Then, when it is time to start working, I will show you which way to go.
  Depend on Me to help you decide what really needs to be done today, so you can save time by doing only the important things. This way, you can do less but get more of the important things done- by waiting before working.
     So, I have a challenge for you. I challenge you to spend 2, 5, 10 minutes, or however long you feel necessary with God before starting the day. If that means setting your alarm a bit earlier, I promise it will be worth it.   I am giving myself that challenge too, and I will be sure to tell how it goes next week, and what God did for me when my first priority is Him. With a trusting heart, we can watch how the day unfolds. With Jesus first, everything else will fall into place.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Idea

Hey! This is my very first blog post on a blog that I hope will reach lots of people. I guess this first post should be about what the purpose of my blog is. Well, here it is: I am a Christian, and I am trying to make it the center of my life. I want to be an encouragement to all Christians, and especially teenagers. I want to help others live a life for Christ. I want us to be the brightest lights we could be, so that our peers wonder what it is that we’re smiling about. Why we are so joyous, and why we have hope.

                It isn’t easy. Our culture tells us that we should just do what makes us happy, because life is short. To an extent, that is true. But if you all take on this journey with me, it won’t be easy all the time. There will be days when we want to live out our roles as evangelizers, but are just so tired, or are in a bad mood, or just failed a test. But I have faith God will strengthen us- even when we just want to give up, and be like everyone else. God understands, and he will give you the strength; just remember to ask.  Being a faithful Christian won’t make us happy all the time. I don’t want to mislead you to believe that. But going on this mission will be so, so, so much more rewarding than keeping our head down and just getting through the teen years. We are so much more than society gives us credit for.  I think that we can make Christianity so meaningful, such a way of life, that others can’t help but look into it; if we are just willing to take that step.

                There are a lot of things that made me want to start this blog. Mostly, I have been thinking about this a lot. I think we need a revamp of Christianity, especially in teenagers. I think that it would be so great if teens looked at Christianity as a lifestyle, and really had it influence everything they did. I know a lot do, but I have struggled with it- with Christianity being my religion, not my way of life.  I am in no way a scholar on the Bible, and I’m not even an adult. But I had an idea to share my thoughts with people, and that’s what I’m doing.


PS Please, if you have any suggestions or thoughts, leave a comment below. Thanks!